CAS ERjr Price Computing Scale

CAS Scale | CAS ERjr Weight:
US$285.00 US$255.00

CAS ERjr Pricing Scale

  • 0-15 lb/15-30 lb - dual range available
  • Legal-for-trade (NTEP CC#10-090)
  • Kg/lb switchable 
  • Tare: Platter, keyboard, programmable 
  • AC & battery operated (rechargeable battery included)

The CAS ERjr Price Computing Scale is great for use in settings such as candy stores, delicatessens, and farmers markets. 

  • 30lb capacity - dual range
  • 3 direct PLU's
  • Dual range technology for better accuracy 
  • AC or battery operated
  • Soft touch tactile switch
  • LCD display with backlight
  • Lb/kg switchable 
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Legal for Trade (NTEP CC#10-090)
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